All-natural ammonia & toxic gas treatment

Lower ammonia and toxic gas levels, deduce chemical usage

Grow healthier fish & shrimp


COMPOSITION: Included useful bacteria as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Nitrobacter sp., Nitrosomonas sp., Carrier.

INDICATIONS: POWERAMM is the organic solution to the ammonia control. Using the natural properties of yucca plus specially-selected blend of living probiotics, POWERAMM breaks down ammonia and other toxic gases to restore your water to healthy levels. With this organic solution, you can create a healthy environment for your fish and shrimp while using fewer chemicals and antibiotics.


DOSAGE: Spread powder evenly through the pond for maximum effect.
- For preventative use (healthy fish & shrimp): 3 kgs per acre, every two weeks.
- For faster action: Apply 7 kgs per acre, daily.